Minimum Wages for Kabupaten In
West Jawa Province
On 21 November 2020 the Governor of West Java issued Governor Decree Number 561 / Kep.774-Yanbangsos / 2020 which decided on the Minimum Wage of West Java Province, Base on The Governor Decree the Minimum Wage in Kabupaten of West Jawa has increased around 3 % - 4%.
Based on the Governor Decree, the West Java Province Minimum Wage is stipulated as:
No | Kabupaten | UMP 2020 | UMP 2021 | Persentase |
1 | Kabupaten Karawang | Rp. 4.594.324,54 | Rp. 4.798.312,00 | 4% |
2 | Kota Bekasi | Rp. 4.589.708,90 | Rp. 4.782.935,64 | 4% |
3 | Kabupaten Bekasi | Rp. 4.498.961,51 | Rp. 4.791.843,90 | 7% |
4 | Kota Depok | Rp.4.202.105,87 | Rp. 4.339.514, 73 | 3% |
5 | Kota Bogor | Rp. 4.169.806,58 | Rp. 4.169.806,58 | 0% |
6 | Kabupaten Bogor | Rp. 4.083.670,00 | Rp. 4.217.206,00 | 3% |
7 | Kabupaten Purwakarta | Rp. 4.039.067,00 | Rp. 4. 173.568,61 | 3% |
8 | Kota Bandung | Rp. 3.623.778,91 | Rp. 3.742.276,48 | 3% |
9 | Kabupaten Bandung barat | Rp. 3.145.427,79 | Rp. 3.248.283,28 | 3% |
10 | Kabupaten Sumedang | Rp. 3.139.275,37 | Rp. 3.241.929,67 | 3% |
11 | Kabupaten Bandung | Rp. 3.139.275,37 | Rp. 3.241.929,67 | 3% |
12 | Kota Cimahi | Rp. 3.139.274,74 | Rp. 3.241.929,00 | 3% |
13 | Kabupaten Sukabumi | Rp. 3.028.531,71 | Rp. 3.125.444,72 | 3% |
14 | Kabupaten Subang | Rp. 2.965.469,00 | Rp. 3.064.218,08 | 3% |
15 | Kabupaten Cianjur | Rp. 2.534.798,99 | Rp. 2.534.798,99 | 0% |
16 | Kota Sukabumi | Rp. 2.530.182,63 | Rp. 2.530.182,63 | 0% |
17 | Kabupaten Indramayu | Rp. 2.297.931,11 | Rp. 2.373.073,46 | 3% |
18 | Kota Tasikmalaya | Rp. 2.264.093,28 | Rp. 2.264.093,28 | 0% |
19 | Kabupaten Tasikmalaya | Rp. 2.251.787,92 | Rp. 2.251.787,92 | 0% |
20 | Kota Cirebon | Rp. 2.219.487,67 | Rp. 2.271.201,73 | 2% |
21 | Kabupaten Cirebon | Rp. 2.196.416,09 | Rp. 2.269.556,75 | 3% |
22 | Kabupaten Garut | Rp. 1.961.085,70 | Rp. 1.961.085,70 | 0% |
23 | Kabupaten Majalengka | Rp. 1.944.166,36 | Rp. 2.009.000,00 | 3% |
24 | Kabupaten Kuningan | Rp. 1.882.642,36 | Rp. 1.882.642,36 | 0% |
25 | Kabupaten Ciamis | Rp. 1.880.654,54 | Rp. 1.880.654,54 | 0% |
26 | Kabupaten Pangandaran | Rp. 1.860.591,33 | Rp. 1.860.591,33 | 0% |
27 | Kota Banjar | Rp. 1.831.884,83 | Rp. 1.831.884,83 | 0% |
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